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Social Anxiety Therapy near Marietta, Roswell & Atlanta

We provide evidence-based treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobias.

Social Anxiety

Does Social Anxiety Prevent You From Living Your Best Life?

  • Has living with social anxiety negatively impacted you or your child at work, school, or personally?
  • Does putting yourself in social situations make you anxious and uncomfortable?
  • Despite struggling with loneliness, have you gotten accustomed to spending most of your time by yourself?


Perhaps a fear of embarrassment or humiliation leads you to avoid most social situations. Your harsh inner critic may convince you that others judge everything you say or do once you walk into a room, causing physical reactions such as sweating, trembling, or a racing heart. Whenever you do decide to socialize, you might feel the need to drink or take medication to cope with the ensuing anxiety.

How Social Anxiety Can Disrupt Your Life

You may notice that you:

  • Experience persistent anxiety and self-doubt when in the company of others;
  • Stay at home in your “comfort zone” more than you did before the COVID-19 shutdown;
  • Struggle to form or maintain relationships due to fear of being scrutinized;
  • Feel intimidated giving presentations or taking on team projects at work or school, causing your performance to suffer;
  • Miss out on important milestone celebrations, like weddings, graduations, and reunions.


If social anxiety gets in the way of human connection, you may experience loneliness that causes depression and low self-esteem. The more entrenched your self-imposed isolation becomes, the harder it is to imagine re-engaging in a vibrant, fulfilling life where you can simply be yourself around others.

Fortunately, therapy can help you overcome social anxiety, isolation, and loneliness. Applying Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies to social anxiety disorder will equip you with tangible tools and skills to reduce your symptoms so you can enjoy being around others and find the connection you’ve been missing.


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Social Anxiety Has Become More Prevalent In Our Culture

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Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, is on the rise in today’s culture. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), “an estimated 12.1 percent of U.S. adults experience social anxiety disorder at some time in their lives.” [1] Considering how many people drink to loosen up in social situations but wouldn’t report this behavior as a sign of social anxiety, these statistics are likely underreported.

Today’s emphasis on social media and public image has fueled more social anxiety. As we compare ourselves to others, our self-consciousness rises, which can exacerbate our discomfort in public. Some of us may feel it’s easier to present a “perfect” persona online rather than in person, causing us to avoid face-to-face contact whenever possible.

The After-Effects Of The COVID-19 Pandemic Are Still Lingering For Some

During the COVID-19 shutdown, everyone got used to staying home and interacting with the outside world online. While some of us couldn’t wait for life to return to normal, some never fully readjusted to pre-pandemic life. Since then, the idea of being around others in social settings has made us feel anxious and uncomfortable.

Many of us struggle to overcome social anxiety because we don’t understand its underlying causes. Trying to manage our symptoms without delving deeper often leads to temporary relief rather than long-term resolution Additionally, the stigma surrounding mental health issues can prevent us from seeking help, which only compounds the issue.

Social anxiety disorder treatment is comprehensive psychotherapy that not only addresses symptoms but also helps you reveal where it comes from. Working closely with a therapist can help alleviate social anxiety so you can find more contentment in your life.

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Social Anxiety Therapy Can Make You More Comfortable Around Others

If you have suffered from social anxiety for a long time, overcoming it might feel overwhelming. Perhaps you have grown so comfortable spending time alone to avoid feeling anxious that you can’t imagine breaking out of your comfort zone. But what therapy will teach you is that by leaning into anxiety rather than shying away from it, you can gain the upper hand so social anxiety no longer controls your life.

Therapy will be a safe and supportive space to take stock of how social anxiety impacts your life and may prevent you from cultivating the relationships and human connections you crave. Whether you are seeking help for yourself or an older child, the staff at Awaken Counseling has the expertise to help you become more comfortable at school, work, or any other social setting.

What To Expect In Sessions

In therapy, we will explore the root causes of your social anxiety, including past experiences and negative thought patterns. For example, we may discover that your self-judgment or self-consciousness stems from parents who were overly critical of you while you were growing up. Or we may determine that your anxiety is caused by a combination of genetic, biological, and environmental factors.

No matter what itsorigin, we will work with you or your teenager to determine specific goals, such as developing coping strategies for social situations, improving self-esteem, or enhancing social skills. The long-term goal will be getting you to a place where you can enjoy being around others and experience how good it feels to connect and foster relationships.

The Modalities We Use In Social Anxiety Treatment

We integrate helpful approaches to manage social anxiety symptoms and gain practical skills, including mindfulness techniques, deep breathing exercises, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies. Utilizing Exposure Response Prevention (ERP), your treatment will include gradual exposure to social situations that build up self-confidence while simultaneously reducing anxiety. Over time, you will realize that the anxious reactions you were afraid of have diminished so you can navigate social situations with more ease.

Imagine if you could…

  • Speak freely and easily in front of others;
  • Not have to rely on drinking or medication to calm your nerves;
  • Find the confidence to be yourself by letting go of the fear of being judged;
  • Reduce self-isolation and enjoy the company of others;
  • Be comfortable in social settings without fearing a panic attack.

With support, you can overcome social anxiety and improve your overall well-being. What’s more, you can build meaningful relationships and pursue your personal and professional goals with greater confidence. Progress is possible and therapy can empower you or your teen to live more authentically.

But Maybe You’re Not Sure If Social Anxiety Therapy Is Right For You…

When you live with social anxiety, you may feel like you’re always being judged, even when attending counseling. However, as therapists who specialize in working with clients with social anxiety, we can reassure you that therapy is a safe, non-judgmental space to discuss your fears and challenges openly. By providing encouragement and empathy, the goal will be to work with you collaboratively toward achieving your optimal well-being.

Understandably, you may have doubts about the effectiveness of therapy, especially if you have tried it before without seeing results. However, going to a therapist who provides the wrong kind of treatment won’t alleviate social anxiety. With targeted social phobia treatment tailored to fit your unique needs, progress is gradual but steady. As long as you remain patient and commit to working on yourself, results will follow. Success often comes from the collaborative effort we make in therapy and your willingness to work through challenges together.

Although medication can be helpful for some, social anxiety therapy alone can usually help clients achieve their goals. If you are curious about medication, we can discuss its benefits and limitations so you can determine whether you might want to consult a psychiatrist or a medical professional for a thorough evaluation. Together, we can assess your symptoms, their severity, and how they impact daily life.

You Don’t Have To Sit On The Sidelines Anymore

You can experience the joy of connection and community once you learn how to manage social anxiety. If you would like to find out more about social anxiety therapy with Awaken Counseling, you can click here to schedule a free 15-minute call.


[1] https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/social-anxiety-disorder

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