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OCD Therapy near Marietta, Roswell & Atlanta

We offer evidence-based treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) to help you experience more peace with less effort.

ocd therapy
young male looking out a window

Are You Or Your Child Stuck In The Throes Of OCD?

  • Does Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) hinder the way you live your life?
  • Do unwanted, irrational thoughts flood your mind, followed by behaviors you feel compelled to act on to reduce your anxiety?
  • Have you tried traditional talk therapy before for OCD but found it unhelpful?

Living with OCD can feel like a bully has taken over your brain. Once a fear or doubt emerges, you can’t help but fixate on it. Even though it may not make sense to you, your inner bully refuses to let the thought go and, worse yet, may compel you to do irrational things to relieve your growing anxiousness. But no sooner do you manage to temporarily alleviate your stress, a new thought might emerge that starts the cycle over again.

OCD Can Make You Feel Like You’re Losing Your Mind

Whether it’s an overwhelming fear of germs or having to recheck the oven several times to make sure it’s turned off, OCD has the potential to derail your daily routine.  

Maybe you notice that you or your child:

  • Experience disturbing thoughts related to sex, immorality, or violence;
  • Engage in compulsive and ritualized behaviors such as counting, checking, or praying;
  • Has a debilitating preoccupation with symmetry and compulsion to put items in order; 
  • Fear germs and contamination, leading to avoidance of certain foods or restaurants;
  • Doubt yourself, can’t tolerate uncertainty, and seek constant reassurance.

The isolation these symptoms cause can be emotionally and physically exhausting for you and your loved ones. You may be ashamed or embarrassed to tell people about your thoughts and behaviors, fearing judgment or being thought of as “crazy.”

The good news is that OCD is treatable. By utilizing one of the most effective OCD treatments, Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), we will strive to make therapy with us effective and meaningful.


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OCD Is Often Misunderstood In Today’s Culture

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), the “lifetime prevalence of OCD among U.S. adults is 2.3 percent. And among adults with OCD, approximately one half—50.6 percent—will have a serious impairment.” [1] Though its causes remain unclear, many factors have the potential to worsen OCD symptoms, including stress, trauma, abuse, social isolation, and poor sleep hygiene. OCD often overlaps with other mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, and trauma.

What it means to have OCD is frequently misunderstood in our society. Although comments like, “I love to have everything organized—I am so OCD,” have become normalized, they dismiss the painful reality that those living with OCD must contend with each day. 

Because our thoughts and compulsions often seem so out of left field, we often don’t share what we’re going through with others when we have OCD. After all, it’s hard to explain that the reason we were late for work was that we had to circle back to a speed bump eight times to make sure we hadn’t run someone over.

Avoidance Can Cause Our World To Shrink Ever-Smaller

One of the hardest parts about OCD is how unaware we may be of the harm we cause ourselves by avoiding the things that trigger us. By engaging in avoidance, we prolong our suffering, shutting door after door to the outside world. As our world gets smaller and smaller, our isolation grows. 

But with the right treatment, you can stop the OCD bully from being in charge and learn how to quiet your brain. Working with a counselor who specializes in OCD, you can get your life back.

woman sitting calmly on a rock

OCD Therapy Can Help Restore Peace In Your Life

If you’ve tried therapy before to no avail, you’re not alone. According to NOCD, “receiving an OCD diagnosis and effective treatment can take 14 to 17 years on average for adults.” [2] Fortunately, Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy (ERP) has led to significant improvements in approximately 75 percent of people with OCD. [3] Awaken Counseling is pleased to tailor this effective form of OCD treatment to meet your specific needs, allowing you to make progress more quickly.

What To Expect In Sessions

Initially, we will identify all the obsessions and compulsions that you or your child are currently engaged in. Your therapist will also help point out avoidant behavior and times when you seek reassurance from loved ones, because doing so can in itself become compulsive. As such, it can be tricky to distinguish between behaviors that provide comfort and those that keep you trapped in fear.

Next, motivation for getting better will be explored to ensure you understand the temporary discomfort of facing fears will be well worth the payoff of living more peacefully in the long term. We will also explore the root of your fear and examine how it gets expressed. In addition to making lifestyle changes to relieve distress, your therapist will offer you helpful techniques to self-soothe that can be utilized outside of therapy, such as mindfulness and grounding skills for OCD.

The Modalities We Use In OCD Treatment 

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) therapy for OCD can feel daunting at first, but we strive to establish a safe and secure environment before getting underway. If fearful or anxious feelings arise during exposure, you will learn how to sit with them rather than resist them. We will work collaboratively to expose you to your fears gradually, utilizing a hierarchy from the least severe and working our way up.

Additionally, you will gain knowledge on regulating your emotions using Dialectical Behavior Therapy and challenge catastrophic with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for OCD. Both modalities can be helpful whenever you feel overwhelmed with your emotions.

Working With Family Members

If your child suffers from OCD, we involve parents in therapy to ensure we identify and reduce any accommodations you are making that could be feeding the OCD cycle. These sessions can help you better understand what may exacerbate OCD behavior and offer practical ways you can support your child throughout treatment.

Imagine if you could…

  • Quiet your inner bully who compels you to engage in compulsive behaviors;
  • Break out of the fear-avoidance cycle;
  • Learn healthier coping mechanisms to better manage and tolerate anxiety;
  • Get back to living freely without constant fear and doubt interrupting your daily routine.
Even if things feel hopeless right now, it can get better. When you receive the right kind of therapy, it’s possible to co-exist with OCD where it’s no longer taking control of your life, and regain a sense of peace and purpose. 

But Maybe You’re Not Sure If OCD Therapy Is Right For You…

Understandably, one of the biggest fears people have before starting OCD treatment is that it may not be effective or helpful, especially if they have tried therapy before without benefit. You might have even convinced yourself that your OCD is “treatment resistant”. But chances are that you didn’t receive the right type of treatment. ERP therapy, the gold standard treatment for OCD has been shown to improve daily functioning and reduce depression associated with OCD. [3]

As OCD therapists, we commonly hear from our clients that they fear exposing themselves to the very things they fight so hard to avoid. Your concern is valid—releasing control over your sense of safety can be intimidating. However, by exposing yourself to the fears that drive OCD thoughts and behaviors, you are choosing to reduce the amount of suffering you endure each day and experience relief faster. We can promise you that it’s worth it.

Ultimately, OCD therapy is an investment in yourself. By receiving treatment, you will have the tools you need for OCD management. Not only will you start feeling better in the short term, but you can also rely on these tools to help you for the rest of your life. Without OCD being in charge, you can do more things that you love and experience more enjoyment in your daily routine.

Don’t Allow OCD To Take Over Your Life

You don’t have to suffer alone. With help and support, it is possible to feel safe in your own body again. If you would like to find out more about OCD therapy with Awaken Counseling, you can click here to schedule a free 15-minute call.

[1] https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd#part_2581  

[2] https://www.treatmyocd.com/blog/ocd-statistics  

[3] https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychiatry/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2022.973838/full 


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